Learn French: Full-time Semester Courses

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DUEF applications 2024-2025

The application procedure for entry to the DUEF 2024-2025 will reopen from February 22 to May 2, 2024

Calendar 1st Semester 2024/2025


French version

DUEF Semester Course

The semester courses of the Diplôme Universitaire d'Etudes Françaises are general French language courses. The courses are full-time and include six levels of instruction (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).
Each semester includes 18 hours per week, over 12 weeks. Students can register for one or two semesters (from September to December - from January to May). The DUEF includes 20 hours of training per week with optional activities offered by the Language Resource Centre.

In order to determine their level, students who register for the first time take a test during the pre-entry week.

Check your level

  • Level A1: Basic level
  • Level A2: Advanced elementary level
  • Level B1: Intermediate level
  • Level B2: Upper Intermediate level
  • Level C1: Advanced level
  • Level C2: Advanced level


The language learning objectives are defined according to levels of the the Common European Framework for Languages ​​(CEF) : general and communicative skills based on task based learning and the use of authentic language material. The activities differ according to level but also to the needs expressed by the groups.

Students at levels A1 and A2 can obtain a University Diploma in French as a Foreign Language by continuous assessment. Students at levels B1, B2 , C1 and C2 are subject to continuous assessment and a final exam.

The academic transcript can be downloaded from the Student Intranet. Upon successful completion, the University Diploma (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 )  is awarded at the end of the semester, and will be collected at the Registrar’s Office. Please contact scolarite.fle@univ-nantes.fr for any question.

A certificate of attendance can also be provided by i-FLE. Please contact sul-duef@univ-nantes.fr. As part of our process of constant improvement, we collect the opinions and feedback of all our participants regarding the quality of our training.




Entry requirement

Academic requirement

The candidate must be 18 years old and have a High School Diploma.
In order to ensure a high quality of teaching that encourages exchange and communication, our centre welcomes a maximum of 25 participants per group.
The course is selective and subject to application. Applications are examined by a pedagogical commission which decides on the admission of the candidate to the DUEF.


Application procedure

DUEF registration procedure: read this document carefully before applying

Apply here for full-time semester course

You must include copies of all the necessary documents with your application. (the originals will be requested in France)
  1. A Secondary school diploma and translation
  2. Passport or a copy of your birth certificate and translation  (birth certificate: a certified translation by an official body or a sworn translator must be provided)
  3. CV/Resume

>>> find a list of certified translators



*Subject to changes in the schedule and course offer, and approval by the Commission for Education and University Life

Students enrolled in DUEF will choose their optional PASS at the beginning of the school year. Registration will take place with their referent group teacher.

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What's next?

Further studies

Student can choose to continue their studies in one of the Nantes University faculties. The minimum level of French is B2 (C1 recommended). The university entrance preparation courses part of DUEF curriculum will help student to meet all the necessary conditions to succeed. Read the registration procedure at the Nantes Université


Tuition fee

  • 1 semester : 1400€ (Individuals) / 1950€ (Lifelong training*)
In any case, a 100€ (2023-2024) participation for university services is asked.

*Financed by an organisation, company, public funds per semester and non-refundable. Please ask for a quotation by e-mail at sul-duef@univ-nantes.fr

No refunds will be made even if the visa is refused. 

General terms and sales conditions

Registration procedures

Reopening of the procedure from February, 22 to May, 2nd 2024 

Application steps

           Période de réception            
 des candidatures

          Date de commission          
pédagogique et envoi test
             Date limite retour            
  du test et envoi
 de l'accord d'inscription
Du 22 février au 10 mars 2024 Jeudi 14 mars 2024 Mercredi 20 mars 2024
Du 11 au 24 mars 2024 Jeudi 28 mars 2024 Fin test 03/04/24 - Réponse 08/04/24
Du 25 mars au 7 avril 2024 Jeudi 11 avril 2024 Mercredi 17 avril 2024
Du 08 au 15 avril 2024 Jeudi 18 avril 2024 Mercredi 24 avril 2024
Du 16 avril au 2 mai 2024 Jeudi 16 mai 2024 Mercredi 22 mai 2024


Phone number +33253487701

More information
Teaching secretary - Submission
Service Universitaire des Langues - i-FLE
Chemin la Censive du Tertre BP 81227
44312 Nantes Cedex 3
Registration, certificates
Service de la Scolarité i-FLE

Chemin la Censive du Tertre BP 81227
44312 Nantes Cedex 3

Mis à jour le 29 April 2024.