Maps and directions : getting to the Language Learning Centre

Map and address

SUL/i-FLE welcomes you to Campus Tertre (plan), third floor, Building N°3 (Grand Hall - Accueil)

Language Learning Centre
Institute of French as an Additionnal Language
Chemin de la censive du tertre
BP 81227
44312 Nantes CEDEX 3

By car: From the ring road or the A11, exit "Porte de Gesvres" (from Paris) or "Porte de la Chapelle" (from Bordeaux), at the roundabout, direction "Université", after crossing the tramway line, at the roundabout, turn left.

By tram: from the SNCF station, North exit, take line 1 towards François Mitterand to the Commerce stop, then line 2 towards Orvault Grand Val - stop École Centrale Audencia or Facultés.

By bus: Line 25 - École Centrale Audencia stop.

From the airport: take the TAN shuttle bus to the Commerce stop, then line 2 of the Tramway towards Orvault Grand Val - École Centrale Audencia stop.

Itinéraire vers ce lieu Nouveau Tertre : bâtiment central (C) UFR Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie, UFR Psychologie, UFR Sociologie, SUL - i-FLE, laboratoire CRHIA
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44000 Nantes
Mis à jour le 08 septembre 2022.