Test de Connaissance du Français "Tout public"

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Test dates 2024-2025

Next session of the TCF Tout Public (not valid at the prefecture) :

- October 24, 2024 (Registration closed)
- November 21, 2024 (Registration closed)
- January 27, 2025 (TCF DAP, Registration from November 4 to December 15 directly with France Education International)
- April 24, 2025 (Registration from February 24 to March 24)
- June 12, 2025 (Registration from April 14 to May 12)

You can check the other centers certified by France Education International

Test taker's manual

This TCF is not valid for a naturalisation or residence card procedure in France, nor for immigration to Canada.

How to get your diploma?

Certificates will be sent by email.


French Version

The French Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Research have entrusted France Education International to assess and certify French language for candidates who wish to evaluate their French language skills for personal, academic or professional reasons.

Detailed description of TCF





Additional procedure

Special Needs

If you need to have your exams adapted ( extra/additional time, test adaptation or human assistance), you must declare your need 2 months before the test to your exam center.


The TCF is comprised of three compulsory examinations (1h25)  and two supplementary examinations (1h +12min).  Questions are multiple choice, comprising 76 questions in total. For each question, only of four possible ansers is correct. Questions are presented in order of increasing difficulty, ranging from level A1 to level C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Compulsory (1h25)
    • Listening comprehension (25 min)
    • Proficiency in language structures (15min)
    • Reading comprehension (45 min)
  • Optional
    • Speaking (12 min) (The optional Speaking test is not available in Nantes Université)
    • Writing (60 min)
An overall score of out 699 points is given for the Multipal Choice questions as well as an assessment between A1 and C2 (elementary to advanced levels). The written expression is rated out of 20 and is also assessed between A1 and C2. The results for the comprehension tests (listening and reading) and the test of proficiency in language structures is accompanied by an additional appraisal.
  • Results
The test certificate is available around 15 days after the test, and is valid for 2 years. Candidates will receive an electronic certificate.

WARNING ! This TCF is not valid for a naturalisation or residence card procedure.



Tuition fee

  • TCF compulsory : 85€
  • TCFCOMPL.  optional writing : 65€

Registration procedures

Registration and payment online https://certif.univ-nantes.fr/login.jsf
  • If you want to do both compulsory test AND the optional writing test, you must register twice : TCF and TCF COMPL.
  • Candidates must provide their candidate number from previous registration
  • If you do not want to pay online, it is possible to pay by debit card, by cheque or by cash at the Studies Secretary Office
Service Universitaire des Langues - Institut de Français Langue Etrangère
Bâtiment Nouveau Tertre (N° 3), 3ème étage
Chemin de la censive du tertre
BP 81227
44312 Nantes CEDEX 3

Exam registration fees are not refundable. i-FLE reserves the right to cancel a session if the number of candidates is deemed insufficient. In this case, different options will be proposed to you, according to the possibilities: Transfer your registration to another session or another TCF centre (La Roche sur Yon, Angers or Le Mans) if the dates of these centres correspond to those of i-FLE.



More information


Mis à jour le 04 November 2024.