DELF B2 Preparation course

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Planning 2024-2025

Time: 9:00-12:00
Day: Saturday
Length: 18 hours (6 lessons of 3 hours)
march 15 - 22 - 29
april 5 - 26
may 17
(provisional timetable)


Registrations will take place from february 6 to march 7, 2025.
Your payment must be made before march 14.


Course Location

SUL - Service Universitaire des Langues
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
Bâtiment 3 – 3ème étage
44312 Nantes CEDEX 3
Campus Tertre


 French version

DELF/DALF diplomas are awarded by the French Ministry of Education to prove the French-language skills of non-French candidates. Candidates can take DELF and DALF diplomas independently of each other, in the same country or in different countries and without any time limits.

DELF/DALF dilplomas consist of 6 separate diplomas corresponding to the 6 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2). Diplomas are valid for life and are recognised worldwide.

DELF is the essential key for job searches or any student mobility in a French-speaking environment (For example, B2 is the level generally required by French universities).


Our Institute of French as an Additional Language (i-FLE) offers DELF B2 preparation courses. The courses allow you to familiarise yourself with the format and pace of the test, so that you will improve your chances on the test day. This is not a language class (grammar, spelling...) but an exam methodology class.

The preparation courses last 18 hours. They are scheduled as 3 hours of lessons per week on Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00. Places are available up to the class limits (15 places per course) and subject to a minimum number of registrants.



Formation(s) requise(s)

In order to ensure a high quality of teaching that encourages exchange and communication, our centre welcomes a maximum of 15 participants per group.

No diploma is required. The training is open to adults (+18 years old).
Minimum level of French required: B1 Test your level in French
Please note: registration to Campus Soir does not give access to the student VISA.


Coût de la formation

  • Nantes Université International students/staff: 180€
  • Individuals: 270€
  • Continuing Education*: 360€

*If you are sponsored, please ask a quotation to in addition to your registration with simplified procedures.
These prices do not include exam fees.

The fee corresponds to 18 hours of tuition and is non-refundable.

General terms and sales conditions

Modalités d'inscription

  1. Complete the online form
  2. Join necessary documents: copy of card from the Nantes Université
  3. Payment
Bouton inscription
Mis à jour le 10 mars 2025.