Learn French in Nantes : Evening Classes for all

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Training dates:  From september 29 to december 15, 2025
Timetable: From 6 p.m to 8 p.m, twice a week
Teaching hours: 40h


Online, from august 27 to september 19
Link at the bottom of the page

If you apply through your CPF, applications end on september 10

Course Location

SUL - Service Universitaire des Langues
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
Bâtiment  Tertre
44312 Nantes Cedex 3
Campus Tertre


French version

French as a second language evening classes take place twice a year.
Session 1 : late september to mid-december (applications from end of august to mid-september)
Session 2 : february to early may (applications from mid-december to january)

The programme is organised around the criteria found in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEF): communication skills, working on tasks, being open to other languages and cultures.

Activities differ according to levels but also in agreement with needs expressed by each group.
The online placement test will allow you to confirm your choice. Our teachers will also be available to guide you.


The French Courses Campus Soir last 40 hours. They offer 6 levels of training.

The aim is to work extensively on French language (lexicon / vocabulary, syntax, grammar).

The language and culture approach will allow you to immerse yourself in French-speaking culture.

In addition

For the duration of the course, Learners enrolled in Campus Soir can also take part in the activities offered (on registration) by the Language Resource Centre: conversation clubs, cultural events etc.



Formation(s) requise(s)

No diploma is required. The training is open to adults (+18 years old), and is not open to Exchange students.
In order to ensure a high quality of teaching, our centre welcomes a maximum of 25 students per group.
Minimum level of French required: A1 Test your level in French

Public ciblé

All public from elementary to advanced level.
Please note: registration to Campus Soir does not give access to the student VISA.


Coût de la formation

  • Individuals: : 380€
  • Nantes Université International students/staff: 100€/120€
  • Continuing Education*: 680€
  • CPF** : 830€
*If you are sponsored, please ask for a quotation to sul-fle@univ-nantes.fr in addition to your registration with "Démarches Simplifiées".
**For more information on the CPF procedure please check the dedicated page (french only).

The fee corresponds to 40 hours of tuition per semester and is non-refundable.

General terms and sales conditions

Terms and conditions of payment

  • Payment by credit or debit card online
  • Payment by cheque (order: REGIE RECETTES SUL) to be sent by mail
  • Cash on site and by appointment, please contact sul-fle@univ-nantes.fr

Registration Process

  1. Complete the online form
  2. Provide necessary documents: copy of passport or student card from the Nantes Université
  3. Pay the registration fees
  4. Complete the online test that will be sent via email
For CPF users, please read the conditions on the linked page (french only).
Mis à jour le 27 février 2025.