DU Passerelle

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Admissions DU Passerelle B1 S1 2025-2026

Applications will be open from April 16 to April 30, 2025


french version française

The DU Passerelle is a semester-long diploma course which is mainly based on the University Diploma of French Studies (DUEF) aimed at learning and/or improving the French language, with the aim of integrating university education or professional life. This University Diploma (DU) Passerelle takes into account the specific needs of exiles in terms of academic, cultural, administrative and social support.

This initiative is promoted by the Migrants in Higher Education network (MeNS) and supported by the MESRI.

The DU Passerelle semester courses are taught full time. Each semester of study includes between 23 and 24 compulsory weekly hours, over 12 weeks, i.e. 278 hours per semester. Classes will take place from September to December.

Exclusively for under 28s : trainees on this course may be eligible for scolarships (depending on individual status) wich include :

  • Payment of a monthly scholarship
  • Exemption from university registration fees
  • Exemption from CVEC payment
  • Priority for of student accommodation in a CROUS residence

The DU Passerelle is in addition to the existing University Diploma of French Studies lessons, and it is adapted to better meet the needs of exiled students, particularly for writing and methodology. It is supplemented by the Accompaniment Module (UE 5 - 62h) designed to promote contact between local and exiled students, as well as helping students to integrate  French society. The candidate must have already acquired level A2/B1 in French.

Students who register for the first time take a test during the pre-entry week In order to determine their level.

Check your level

  • Level A2: basic level
  • Level B1: Intermediate level


The objectives of this program, which takes place over a semester, are to enable refugees, asylum seekers or those under subsidiary protection (who hold a secondary school diploma and who are unable to continue their studies) to benefit from French intensive language courses and cultural training in order to prepare their university future and promote their social integration. Indeed, people in exile often have skills and knowledge that cannot be used without mastering French.

The language learning objectives are defined according to levels of the the Common European Framework for Languages ​​(CEF) : general and practical communication skills, developped using task based learning and authentic language material. The activities differ according to level but also to the needs expressed by the groups. In order to ensure a high quality of teaching that encourages exchange and communication, our centre welcomes a maximum of 20 participants per group.


Assessments are based on continuous assessment throughout the course, and a final exam at the end of the semester. The minimum mark is of 10 out of 20 in the subject UE 1 as well as an overall average of 10 out of 20. Attendance is compulsory and will be checked. Diploma will only be issued if absences are justifed (e.g medical certificates).

Assessment results can be downloaded from the Student Intranet. Upon successful completion, the University Diploma B1 is awarded at the end of the semester, and will be collected from  the Registrar’s Office. Please contact scolarite.fle@univ-nantes.fr if you have any questions.

A certificate of attendance can also be provided by i-FLE. Please contact sul-duef@univ-nantes.fr. As part of our process of continuous improvement, we collect the opinions and feedback of all our participants regarding the quality of our training.





Formation(s) requise(s)

The candidate must be 18 years old and have a High School Diploma (The equivalent of Baccalaureat in France). The course is selective and subject to application.

Candidates must be holders of refugee status, asylum seeker or beneficiary of subsidiary protection. The candidate must have alreadyacquired level A2/B1 in French.

Applications are examined by a Teaching Committee which decides on the admission of the candidate to the DU Passerelle.

Public ciblé

In order to ensure a high quality of teaching that encourages exchange and communication, our centre welcomes a maximum of 20 participants per group. The minimum threshold for opening the DU Passerelle Class is 12 students.


Modalités de candidature

Apply here for full-time semester course

Applications must be submitted between April 16 and April 30 using the online form.

The training is selective and subject to application. The aplications will be examined by an teaching committee which decides, after an interview and language level tests, on the admission of the candidate to the DU Passerelle.

You must include copies of all the necessary documents with your application (the originals will be requested in France)
  1. A Secondary school diploma (translated into French)
  2. A copy of your birth certificate (and translation) OR Passport (birth certificate: a certified translation by an official body or a sworn translator must be provided)
  3. CV/Resume
  4. A cover letter of motivation in which you explain your motivation for this course in French
  5. A copy of your current status document (refugee, asylum seekers, beneficiary of subsidiary protection, etc)

>>> find a list of certified translators

Modalités de candidature spécifiques

The candidate must be 18 years old and have a High School Diploma. The course is selective and subject to application. Applications are examined by a teaching commitee which decides on the admission of the candidate to the DUEF.

Following your application, you will receive an answer no later than July 1st.

If your file is admissible by the teaching commitee, you will have to take a written test and then be called to an oral interview with the program managers who will take into account your background, your university and/or professional project and your motivation. You will have his application definitively validated at the end of June.


Et après ?

Compétences visées

Référentiels de compétences : RNCP, Répertoire spécifique, RAC, ...

Poursuites d'études

Student s can choose to continue their studies with DU Passerelle B2. 

The minimum level of French is B2 (C1 recommended) to be admitted in one of the Nantes University faculties. The university entrance preparation courses (part of DU Passerelle curriculum) will help students to meet all the necessary conditions to succeed. Read the registration procedure at the Nantes Université


Coût de la formation

  • 1 semester : 0 € (Individuals) / 1950€ (Lifelong training*)

*Funded by an organisation, company, or by public funds Per semester and non-refundable. Please ask for a quotation by e-mail at sul-duef@univ-nantes.fr

Students who are refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection or asylum seekers must submit their CVEC application but will be exempt from this cost of this contribution.

General terms and sales conditions

Modalités d'inscription

 Applications must be submitted before  May 1st using the online form. Candidates will receive an answer no later than July 1st.

Conditions of submission

 Application will be open from April 16 to April 30, 2025

Application steps

  • If you are selected, you will receive a registration agreement
  • In France, you will have to present yourself to the Registrar’s Office (Scolarité)
  • You must come to Nantes on the date indicated in your notification to attend



Nous contacter par tél : +33253487701

Teaching secretary - Submission
Service Universitaire des Langues - i-FLE
Chemin la Censive du Tertre BP 81227
44312 Nantes Cedex 3
Registration, certificates
Service de la Scolarité i-FLE

Chemin la Censive du Tertre BP 81227
44312 Nantes Cedex 3

Mis à jour le 05 février 2025.