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Centres in France



French Version

The French Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Research have entrusted France Education International to assess and certify French language for foreign students. It is necessary to obtain a language certificate before you apply to be abmitted to the first year of a Bachelor's Degree in a French University or to enter a French architectural school.

This test (TCF for DAP) includes listening/reading comprehension tests, a test of proficiency in language structures, as well as a compulsory test of written expression.

Candidates holding the DELF B2 are now exempted from the TCF DAP.





Conditions d'admission / Modalités de sélection

You must have a long stay visa before before you ask the registration form. Candidates belonging to a Member State of the European Community or the European Economic Area are not affected by this procedure.


Listening comprehension 29 questions 25 min
Proficiency in language structures 18 questions 15 min
Reading comprehension 29 questions 45 min
Writing (written expression) 2 writing tasks 1h
  • Results

An overall score of out 699 points is given for the Multipal Choice questions as well as an assessment between A1 and C2 (elementary to advanced levels). The written expression is rated out of 20 and is also assessed between A1 and C2. The results for the comprehension tests (listening and reading) and the test of proficiency in language structures is accompanied an additional appraisal.
  • Certificate
The test certificate is available 15 days after the test, and is valid for 2 years. Your certificate will be sent to you by postal mail.


Coût de la formation

  • TCF DAP : 74€ on France Education International Website

Modalités d'inscription

France Education International has decided to stop TCF DAP.
Test takers must register TCF TP as a replacement test : Know more about TCF TP at Nantes Université


Nous contacter par tél : +33253462164

Maison des Échanges Internationaux et de la Francophonie (MEIF)
15 Chaussée de la Madeleine
44000 Nantes
02 53 46 21 64

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Mis à jour le 07 novembre 2023.