Quality of our reception and training
Presentation of our quality approach
The quality approach initiated by Nantes University aims to achieve excellence in the field of education. This approach aims to demonstrate Nantes University's ability to make quality its own. It is intended to be progressive, regularly evaluated and part of a continuous improvement process.The Quality service (CAPEQ) supports our "Institut du Français Langue Étrangère" in its quality approach.
Labels guaranteeing the quality of our reception and training
In order to contribute to the recognition of the quality of certain activities and to provide quality assurance, Nantes University is required to obtain certification or- "Qualité français langue étrangère" certificate (University Language Learning Service), obtained in 2017 and 2022, recognising the quality of the linguistic offer and its services. More information...
- "Bienvenue en France" certificate (International relation office), obtained in 2019 at 3-star level, symbolising our commitment to international students and the quality of our welcome. More information...
Charter of ethics PTA
At the end of 2021, the France Compétence federation published a charter of ethics for the sale of services eligible for the Personal Training Account (PTA). This charter is based in part on the legal rules applying to the profession, as well as on the general conditions of use of personal training accounts.
By adhering to this charter, training organisations commit to offering better commercial practices and contribute to improving the quality of the offer available on personal training accounts. The University Language Service of Nantes University, in the context of the sale of language training services eligible for the Personal Training Account, undertakes to respect this charter of ethics.
More information on the charter of ethics...
Student evaluation of the teachings
Nantes University is committed to developing evaluation practices around its training activities and is pursuing a quest for the fulfilment and satisfaction of all its users. More information...As part of our continuous improvement process, we collect feedback from all our participants on the quality of our training courses.
Trainees registered in our training programmes receive a satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the course.